





我一共画了三圈,最外面的一圈,表示karyotype,包括染色体带,这个需要在配置中设置show_bands = yes,中间的一圈,用热图的形式表示每个区域内的突变的数目,第三圈用线来表示突变的数目,不过设置了orientation = in,让它朝内。突变的数目其实对应突变密度,只不过数量级不一样罢了。






下载perl,安装 https://www.perl.org/get.html#win32

下载circos,解压缩 http://circos.ca/software/download


cd /path/to/circos/bin
perl circos -modules # 检查缺失的模块

ok       1.36 Carp
missing            Clone
missing            Config::General
ok       3.56 Cwd
ok      2.158 Data::Dumper
ok       2.54 Digest::MD5
ok       2.85 File::Basename
ok       3.56 File::Spec::Functions
ok     0.2304 File::Temp
ok       1.51 FindBin
missing            Font::TTF::Font
missing            GD
missing            GD::Polyline
ok       2.45 Getopt::Long
ok       1.16 IO::File
missing            List::MoreUtils
ok       1.41 List::Util
missing            Math::Bezier
ok     1.9997 Math::BigFloat
missing            Math::Round
missing            Math::VecStat
ok       1.03 Memoize
ok       1.53 POSIX
missing            Params::Validate
ok       1.64 Pod::Usage
missing            Readonly
missing            Regexp::Common
missing            SVG
missing            Set::IntSpan
missing            Statistics::Basic
ok       2.53 Storable
ok       1.20 Sys::Hostname
ok       2.03 Text::Balanced
missing            Text::Format
ok     1.9726 Time::HiRes

perl -MCPAN -e shell
o conf urllist push http://mirrors.163.com/cpan/
o conf urllist push ftp://mirrors.sohu.com/CPAN/
o conf commit
install Clone
install Config::General
install Font::TTF::Font
install GD
install GD::Polyline
install List::MoreUtils
install Math::Bezier
install Math::Round
install Math::VecStat
install Params::Validate
install Regexp::Common
install Readonly
install SVG
install Set::IntSpan
install Statistics::Basic
install Text::Format


####################configuration file###################

karyotype = test/karyotype.test.txt

default = 0.005r

## http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/quick_start/ticks_and_labels/configuration
# Ideogram position, fill and outline
radius           = 0.95r
# 控制宽度
thickness        = 50p 
fill             = yes
stroke_color     = dgrey
stroke_thickness = 2p

# Minimum definition for ideogram labels.

show_label       = yes
# see etc/fonts.conf for list of font names
label_font       = default 
label_radius     = dims(image,radius) - 60p
label_size       = 30
label_parallel   = yes

# band 配置来自http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/2d_tracks/tiles/configuration
show_bands            = yes
fill_bands            = yes
band_stroke_thickness = 2
band_stroke_color     = white
band_transparency     = 4

# The remaining content is standard and required. It is imported 
# from default files in the Circos distribution.
# These should be present in every Circos configuration file and
# overridden as required. To see the content of these files, 
# look in etc/ in the Circos distribution.

# http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/2d_tracks/stacking_tracks/images
# http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/2d_tracks/stacking_tracks/configuration

show             = yes
type             = heatmap
color            = spectral-5-div
#stroke_thickness = 1
#stroke_color     = black
file             = /data/6/snp.number.1mb.txt
r0               = 0.90r
r1               = 0.90r + 50p
scale_log_base = 0.25
min          = 0

# http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/2d_tracks/line_plots/configuration

file    = /data/6/snp.number.1mb.txt

type      = line
max_gap = 1u

color   = black
fill_color = black_a4
min     = 0
# max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.85r
r1      = 0.85r + 60p
thickness   = 1

#fill_color = vdgrey_a3
# 朝里
orientation = in

color     = vvlgreen
y0        = 0.006

color     = vvlred
y1        = 0.002

# Included from Circos distribution.

# RGB/HSV color definitions, color lists, location of fonts, fill patterns.
# Included from Circos distribution.

# Debugging, I/O an dother system parameters
# Included from Circos distribution.

####################configuration file###################


#版权所有 转载请告知 版权归作者所有 如有侵权 一经发现 必将追究其法律责任

#Author: Jason
