SAMtools不仅仅用来call snp。从samtools的软件名就能看出,是对SAM格式文件进行操作的工作,比如讲sam转成bam格式,index,rmdup等等。samtools结合linux命令比如grep,awk和SAM格式描述的flag,tag,亦是非常非常非常强大,比如根据flag过滤duplicate的reads,根据XA tag过滤multiple hit的reads。本文在此只介绍一下samtools的统计命令,能快速对bam文件进行各种统计。


**samtool idxstats **

检索和打印与输入文件相对应的index file里的统计信息,所以要对输入的bam文件进行index

reference sequence name, sequence length, # mapped reads and # unmapped reads chr1 249250621 4998344 1005 chr2 243199373 3020248 595 chr3 198022430 2418804 449

samtools bedcov


chr start-1 end totalbase chr1 100000 1000000 1709228 chr2 2000000 65885852 64362582

**samtools depth **


#chr pos depth chr1 1 5 chr1 2 5

samtools flagstat

根据flag统计多少map的reads等信息 43444444 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 5863846 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 0 + 0 duplicates 43431948 + 0 mapped (99.97%:-nan%) 37580598 + 0 paired in sequencing

samtools stat bamfile


Summary Numbers raw total sequences,filtered sequences, reads mapped, reads mapped and paired,reads properly paired等信息

Fragment Qualitites 根据cycle统计每个位点上的碱基质量分布

Coverage distribution 深度为1,2,3,,,的碱基数目

ACGT content per cycle ACGT在每个cycle中的比例

Insert sizes 插入长度的统计

Read lengths read的长度分布



samtools idxstats in.sam'in.bam'in.cram

Retrieve and print stats in the index file corresponding to the input file. Before calling idxstats, the input BAM file must be indexed by samtools index.

The output is TAB-delimited with each line consisting of reference sequence name, sequence length, # mapped reads and # unmapped reads. It is written to stdout.


samtools flagstat in.sam'in.bam'in.cram

Does a full pass through the input file to calculate and print statistics to stdout.

Provides counts for each of 13 categories based primarily on bit flags in the FLAG field. Each category in the output is broken down into QC pass and QC fail, which is presented as “#PASS + #FAIL” followed by a description of the category.

The first row of output gives the total number of reads that are QC pass and fail (according to flag bit 0x200). For example:

122 + 28 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)

Which would indicate that there are a total of 150 reads in the input file, 122 of which are marked as QC pass and 28 of which are marked as “not passing quality controls”

Following this, additional categories are given for reads which are:

secondary 0x100 bit set

supplementary 0x800 bit set

duplicates 0x400 bit set

mapped 0x4 bit not set

paired in sequencing 0x1 bit set

read1 both 0x1 and 0x40 bits set

read2 both 0x1 and 0x80 bits set

properly paired both 0x1 and 0x2 bits set and 0x4 bit not set

with itself and mate mapped 0x1 bit set and neither 0x4 nor 0x8 bits set

singletons both 0x1 and 0x8 bits set and bit 0x4 not set

And finally, two rows are given that additionally filter on the reference name (RNAME), mate reference name (MRNM), and mapping quality (MAPQ) fields:

with mate mapped to a different chr 0x1 bit set and neither 0x4 nor 0x8 bits set and MRNM not equal to RNAME

with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) 0x1 bit set and neither 0x4 nor 0x8 bits set and MRNM not equal to RNAME and MAPQ >= 5


samtools stats [options] in.sam'in.bam'in.cram [region...]

samtools stats collects statistics from BAM files and outputs in a text format. The output can be visualized graphically using plot-bamstats.


-c, –coverage MIN,MAX,STEP Set coverage distribution to the specified range (MIN, MAX, STEP all given as integers) [1,1000,1]

-d, –remove-dups Exclude from statistics reads marked as duplicates

-f, –required-flag STR’INT Required flag, 0 for unset. See also samtools flags [0]

-F, –filtering-flag STR’INT Filtering flag, 0 for unset. See also samtools flags [0]

–GC-depth FLOAT the size of GC-depth bins (decreasing bin size increases memory requirement) [2e4]

-h, –help This help message

-i, –insert-size INT Maximum insert size [8000]

-I, –id STR Include only listed read group or sample name []

-l, –read-length INT Include in the statistics only reads with the given read length []

-m, –most-inserts FLOAT Report only the main part of inserts [0.99]

-P, –split-prefix STR A path or string prefix to prepend to filenames output when creating categorised statistics files with -S/–split. [input filename]

-q, –trim-quality INT The BWA trimming parameter [0]

-r, –ref-seq FILE Reference sequence (required for GC-depth and mismatches-per-cycle calculation). []

-S, –split TAG In addition to the complete statistics, also output categorised statistics based on the tagged field TAG (e.g., use –split RG to split into read groups).

Categorised statistics are written to files named\ _.bamstat, where prefix is as given by –split-prefix (or the input filename by default) and value has been encountered as the specified tagged field’s value in one or more alignment records.

-t, –target-regions FILE Do stats in these regions only. Tab-delimited file chr,from,to, 1-based, inclusive. []

-x, –sparse Suppress outputting IS rows where there are no insertions.


samtools bedcov region.bed in1.sam'in1.bam'in1.cram[...]

Reports read depth per genomic region, as specified in the supplied BED file.


samtools depth [options] [in1.sam'in1.bam'in1.cram [in2.sam'in2.bam'in2.cram] [...]]

Computes the depth at each position or region.


-a Output all positions (including those with zero depth)

-a -a, -aa Output absolutely all positions, including unused reference sequences

-b FILE Compute depth at list of positions or regions in specified BED FILE. []

-f FILE Use the BAM files specified in the FILE (a file of filenames, one file per line) []

-l INT Ignore reads shorter than INT

-m, -d INT Truncate reported depth at a maximum of INT reads. [8000]

-q INT Only count reads with base quality greater than INT

-Q INT Only count reads with mapping quality greater than INT

-r CHR:FROM-TO Only report depth in specified region.



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#Author: Jason Zhu
