
那么RNA测序到底可不可靠呢?日前,由美国FDA牵头的测序质量控制(SEQC)项目对RNA测序的准确性、可重现性和信息含量进行了综合性评估,并将初步调查结果发表在近日的Nature Biotechnology杂志上。

研究团队使用RNA参照样本,在全球多个实验室的Illumina HiSeq、Life Technologies SOLiD、Roche 454平台上进行了检测。(深圳华大基因、复旦大学、华东师范大学等单位参与了这一项目。)研究人员主要是评估RNA测序在接头区域和差异性表达谱中的表现,并将其与芯片和定量PCR(qPCR)进行比较。




转自 http://www.biodiscover.com/news/research/112652.html

原文original paper: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n9/full/nbt.2957.html

We present primary results from the Sequencing Quality Control (SEQC) project, coordinated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Examining Illumina HiSeq, Life Technologies SOLiD and Roche 454 platforms at multiple laboratory sites using reference RNA samples with built-in controls, we assess RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) performance for junction discovery and differential expression profiling and compare it to microarray and quantitative PCR (qPCR) data using complementary metrics. At all sequencing depths, we discover unannotated exon-exon junctions, with >80% validated by qPCR. We find that measurements of relative expression are accurate and reproducible across sites and platforms if specific filters are used. In contrast, RNA-seq and microarrays do not provide accurate absolute measurements, and gene-specific biases are observed for all examined platforms, including qPCR. Measurement performance depends on the platform and data analysis pipeline, and variation is large for transcript-level profiling. The complete SEQC data sets, comprising >100 billion reads (10Tb), provide unique resources for evaluating RNA-seq analyses for clinical and regulatory settings.